from a dream to reality...
The “Original Sore Muscle Jelly” has been offered in our store in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for the past 10 years. It is formulated with 20 essential oils to relieve pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, sore muscles and spasms, fibromyalgia, headaches, neuropathy, back/shoulder/neck/leg/hip pain, and more. We initially sold it exclusively to our wonderful customers at the store! During COVID we added Sore Muscle Jelly to our new web site and the orders grew and grew exponentially!! Now... we are excited to annouce our new web site and newly designed look , launched Feb 14th 2022
Read what our customers say about the product:
"My neighbor gave me a sample to try. It worked so well that I had to purchase some right way."
"This is my 3rd time purchasing this product for my sister that has arthritis in her legs. She rubs the sore muscle jelly on her legs twice a day and she has been blessed with minimum pain. Great product"
Our customers fell in love with the “Original Sore Muscle Jelly”, and the business grew from word of mouth. In fact, business grew to the point where we have made it a business of its own, expanding the reach of its medicinal pain and inflammation reducing benefits! Feel relief from your pain and improvement from muscle tightness with our Original Sore Muscle Jelly!
Our customers have rated the product 5 stars on our website, but here is our guarantee for you. Use the product for 2 weeks and if for any reason you want to return it, we will refund the price of the product and any shipping charges you paid! It’s that simple.